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Coogan and Judd were promptly escorted to a small antechamber outside the
presidential briefing room.
'Yes, Judd?' said the President.
'We have two ideas, Mr. President.' Judd gave him the brief details.
Thomas Cordero Heathstone listened intently. When Judd was finished,
Heathstone turned to Dr Coogan. 'Could you tell me, Dr Coogan, based on your
knowledge, that if this person has the potential, would he, in fact destroy
thousands of people?'
'I think not, Mr. President.'
'Why, exactly?'
'It would be out of character with his covert tendencies. He is operating
behind a screen of invisibility. Psychologically, he might not be able to
assume the guilt, the responsibility for destroying thousands of people.'
'I don't agree at all,' Judd said softly.
'Why is that, General?' asked Heathstone.
'Any trained military man has to assume responsibility for causing death.'
'I see what you mean, Judd,' Heathstone acknowledged.
'But,' said Coogan, 'the general psychological profile of all the psychics we
know about has indicated a retreat from the aggressive psychological stance
towards the
introspective nature, a nature in which violence is rejected.' Heathstone
said, 'In other words, here again is another
unknown. Reasons to think he might, reasons to think he might not is that it?'
'Yes,' Judd and Coogan said in unison.
The President, looking drawn and dulled, was silent for a moment, then spoke.
'I cannot do what you want about Goddard, General Judd. I only wish I could.
But Chester's right. To take Goddard out of the nets would place us at a
terrible disadvantage.'
'I am sorry to hear that, Mr. President,' Judd said formally.
'Don't worry. If something happens, you'll get my undivided attention. But
just now it would seem total insanity to the rest of the government if I were
to initiate such an action.'
'Thank you for your time, Mr. President,' Judd said, preparing to rise.
Heathstone held up a hand and looked at him intently.
'But there is nothing to keep you from following up Dr Coogan's idea, is
there?' Heathstone said, his eyes still holding Judd's.
'No, sir, not at all.' Judd's face brightened. 'Uh, Mr. President, could we
possibly join you for the watch tonight?'
'Pleased to have you, Judd, you, too, Dr Coogan. As a matter of fact, I will
do the watch over at Goddard. Technicians are busy now setting up a video
hookup between Goddard and the Crimea, so that Tosygen and I, if anything
should happen, can be in face-to-face communication.'
'We'll be there, sir.'
4.30 P.M.
Hedy Allison whispered into the President's ear.
Heathstone turned to his attending staff.
'Am I to assume, gentlemen, that no one has initiated civil defence procedures
in Omaha?'
'We thought, Mr. President,' replied Admiral Hollifield, 'that to do so would,
um, incite the entire nation. We didn't want to appear as if we were giving
credence to that, ah, threat.'
'Goddamn it!' said Heathstone through his teeth. 'The people of Omaha can
hardly be unaware that SAC's bugging out of Offutt! Let's get a little human
here - get the Guard out to help those people take some precautions!'
7.00 P.M.
'Is there any chance that Heathstone will order the satellites disarmed?'
Rastaban al Nashirah asked Senator Heston Davis.
Davis frowned and took a quick gulp at his scotch on
the rocks.
The two men were silhouetted against the comfortable soft gloom of the bar at
the Black Steer.
'I doubt it,' Davis responded. 'I'm not in Heathstone's circle of advisers,
but it's clear that would reduce our retaliatory strike potential. I am sure
he wouldn't do it unless Tosygen agreed to disarm their devices.'
'Which he won't,' said Nashirah.
'It's time we discussed my cut,' Davis said abruptly.
'Too early.'
'Why too early? You got what you wanted.'
'Yes, I admit that it was a brilliant idea to get the best brains in America
to work on the concept of microwave weaponry, and you can rest assured that
when I get the payments, I'll make sure your share is deposited in your Swiss
'Damn it, Rastabi,' said Davis, 'things are going wrong! What if tonight
whoever it is does destroy the Tonopah installation at Off utt? You won't get
those precious parts you're waiting for.'
'Listen, Heston - whatever happens, I'm having those parts fabricated
somewhere else, also. I never put all my eggs in one basket. It might take
longer, but I'll bring it off. I always have.'
Senator Heston Davis lapsed into a moody silence. 'Damn,' he whispered.
'There's that General Judd and Dr Coogan. We better not be seen talking
together. He's a smart sonofabitch.'
7.45 P.M.
'I. just can't believe,' commented Coogan as she sat down at the red
linen-covered table and claimed a glass of ice water, 'that anyone would
actually kill in the name of a psychic prowess.'
'Why not?' Judd asked. 'History demonstrates that many men and women have
sought to create new orders by destroying the old.'
'But we expect,' Coogan protested, 'that anyone who develops psychic abilities [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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