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alighted, her powerful legs making the long step easily. Todd sighed, hoping
that the Gringg had not been there very long.
Honey and Kodiak followed Grizz, turning to help Teddy down the tall steps.
A hearty cheer rose from the crowd and some laughter.
Grizz twitched her ears and seemed to scan the gathering but her fanged smile
remained in place - a fanged smile that had been caricatured on one of the
posters. Todd hoped that the Gringg might just dismiss those as bad
Rraladoonan art. The Gringg and officials had taken no more than a few steps
when suddenly a fist-sized rock winged past Todd's head, ricocheting off the
side of the shuttle. A clatter of pebbles hit the ground around them.
Todd swung immediately in the direction of the assault.
A man, tawny-skinned but with the sallow complexion that spoke of limited
exposure to the sun, threw another rock straight at Grizz.
Anticipating its trajectory, Todd jumped up with one hand high and caught the
rock. He swore as it stung his fingers. Teddy squealed with fear. The
Gringg immediately closed about the cub, hiding him from any further attack.
There were cries of "Shame! Shame on you!" from most of the onlookers at such
an assault and from agitated movements in the crowd, the pitcher was being
By all that was holy, Todd resolved, I'll find some punishment to fit this
crime, all quite within my authority as co-leader. A glance at
Hrrestan told Todd that the Hrruban had the same uncompromising opinion.
The sharp chunk of granite that he had caught would have done some damage had
it reached its target, no matter how tough Gringg hide was.
"I'll want to see that man when you catch him,' Todd said aloud and gestured
to two of the crewmen to officiate.
Todd dropped the stone to the ground and, with his boot, ground it into the
"My sincere apologies, Captain,' he said in a ringing voice. "Let us proceed
with the order of business.
Then, flexing his stinging fingers, he raised his arms and gestured for the
crowd to give way and a respectful aisle immediately opened up, wide enough
for the Gringg and escort to proceed. That such an incident had occurred at
all rankled deeply in Todd, marring what should have been a great occasion.
With Kiachif, Jilamey, Ken and Hrriss flanking the aliens, they marched toward
the Centre. The space crews then formed a guard behind them.
The Treaty Chamber door swung wide to admit Hrrto's erstwhile allies, the
Havumans from Spacedep. Of those expected at the noon hour, they were the
first to arrive.
Barnstable, in his dress blues, nodded sharply to Hrrto as he slid into the
chair opposite, and surveyed the room. The only other Occupant was
Mllaba, who sat discreetly against the wall, allowing her senior to mull over
his thoughts by himself. Greene waited discreetly as his senior seated
himself, then escorted Castle ton to her chair on the other side of their
senior commander.
"Well, Speaker Hrrto?" Barnstable asked. "Anything to report?"
"I have spoken to Hrrestan. Ze conference goes on unhindered, and a
Zreaty seems imminent whether we will or will not apprrove,' Hrrto said, but
his voice was distant. "If we are right, zis means zere are only hours left.
I can do nothing more. Despite all advice to the contrary, the High
Council wants to trade with zese Gringg." That was true enough for, once
Hrrto had mentioned the existence of purralinium, the High Council would hear
of nothing but any agreement that would augment the dwindling supplies.
Mllaba, in her chair by the wall, glared at the floor with glowing yellow
eyes, but said nothing. Hrrto had not requested her presence at that High
Council meeting and he knew she was certain that he had mishandled that
meeting. No matter. His conversation with Hrrestan had caused him to alter
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more than one long-held opinion. He had even altered his desire to win the
upComing election: such crushing responsibility for all sorts of unexpected
incidents had lost any appeal.
"Withhold your approval,' Greene said. "The Treaty will require signatures
from all three governments."
"I am not sure zat will be possible,' Hrrto replied. "Nor zat it will mazzer.
"But it can,' Barustable said urgently, his eyes glittering.
"Think of it: the Gringg have given us a map of their systems.
They have claimed hundreds of planets. If you don't sign, all the provisions
and the safeguards become null and void. Hrruba could take over valuable
mining planets: even habitable worlds. Considering what they did on Fingal.
the Gringg don't deserve to colonize more worlds."
"No, Second said, wearily. "I am too old for war. Nor am I one to take
anozzer's worlds. We Hrrubans, too, have put such greed behind us. But ze
others will sign ze Zreaty anyhow. It will not matter if I sign or not."
"It will matter, Speaker,' Greene assured him. He held out a small datacube.
"I have the tape from our exploration ship. It proves that the Gringg ship
did fire on Fingal III, destroying at least one of the cities on the surface
and several of the satellites. The weapons we have suspected all along must
be hidden somewhere aboard that leviathan.
Our combined fleets are hours away. They must not hesitate to attack."
"Is zis wise?" asked Hrrto. "It is not us who will die." And we are so close
to gaining new supplies of purralinium.
He closed his eyes in despair.
"Too many will die if we don't act. You saw that tape,' said Greene through
gritted teeth. "These Gringg are deceivers and vicious killers.
I can sense it every time I'm close to one of them." Grace Castleton, sitting
by Greene, angled her body away from him. She was weary with trying to argue
with Jon. He kept on the same theme and would see no other logic. For the
first time since she'd received her own commission, she found her command
onerous. Her private opinions could not interfere with her obedience to
orders from the Admiral.
Barnstable was as rabid against the Gringg as Jon, wholeheartedly willing to
believe evidence she found spurious.
"We need more time,' Mllaba said. "Just a few hours and ze fleets will be
here to support our views. We need a diversion. Now is ze time to show Rrev
and Hrrestan zat tape!"
"And Admiral Sumitral,' Castleton added.
"Those confounded optimistic hand-in-friendship fanatics won't believe it,'
said Barnstable, dismissing the leaders of Rraladoon with a gesture.
"Alreldep is full of fools who can't see a real threat when it weighs half a
ton and has claws."
"Yes,' Greene said promptly, "but showing them the tape buys us time.
They'll demand proof of its authenticity and we can drag that out as long as
we want to. Let "em rant and rave a while. That'd be to our benefit. And
I've arranged one more delaying tactic. Those should eat up the hours we need
for the fleet to get into position." Everyone nodded in agreement, and
nervously settled back to wait.
As soon as they were safely past the crowd, Teddy started to whimper, having
managed to control his terror until the safety of the Treaty
Centre was in sight.
"Here, Teddy,' Jilamey said, stroking his shoulder, handing the cub a handful
of peppermint humbugs he happened to have in his pocket.
"Can't imagine how those layabouts got here! Must be some fringe nuts."
Far more reassured by something to put in his mouth, Teddy stuffed in as many
as he could and so forgot the fright he had had.
Having emerged unscathed from that obstacle, Todd was dismayed to find there
was an even more substantial number of onlookers surrounding the meeting hall.
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