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Chapter Seven: A Solution To The Mystery Of Uri Geller
It has not been seen in the physical, but it shall be seen by those who
have eyes to see. And then, when it is necessary, after most of the
cleansing has been completed, it will take on material form. But
nothing would be accomplished by materializing the ship at this time.
Other ships have been seen coming from the etheric into the material
and then dematerializing, and little has been accomplished except to
make a very, very few think and spread the word.23
That is why some of you see spaceships and others do not. They are
actually vibrating at a different frequency. Sometimes they can change
their frequency to correspond with your visual or your physical
sightings or senses. Then you or a group can see them. But for the most
part they are in operation at another frequency and you cannot see
them. Those with the higher senses can see them, even when they are
invisible to others, because their senses are tuned to it. Those people are
often scoffed at because they say there is something to be seen and
others see nothing with the physical eye.24
If we chose to remain unseen, we could do so easily and, in fact, we
have done so almost without exception for hundreds of years. No one
sees us unless we want to be seen.25
The Hatonn source gives a slightly different slant to the details of this
visible/invisible characteristic:
Each person has a vibration from eternity to eternity. At any given
moment, each person vibrates in an individual manner. Therefore as we
vibrate in our individual manners, from dimension to dimension, there
are some who, with their higher vibrations, may see us. We are able to
appear to some, or to others, by adjusting our rate of vibration. This is,
as we say, usually done for a purpose, that purpose being to alert
individuals who are ready to receive this stimulus.26
So, IS advised Puharich that he should teach people, but not  people who
cannot accept happenings. 27  Do anything that produces energy, good
works. 28 Then, IS bid them adieu:  Although we are always with you
people, we shall stay away from this human race for a couple of years. 29
The one exception was that they would continue to work through Uri:  We
Chapter Seven: A Solution To The Mystery Of Uri Geller
are not interfering in any way. We are just letting things happen sometimes
for Uri. 30
I had an interesting demonstration of this last statement while returning
from a UFO research convention on October 19, 1975. I was piloting a
Beechcraft Baron, which is a light airplane, and I experienced a total
malfunction of the artificial horizon. This is the primary instrument used to
maintain level flight during bad weather, when there are no visual references
that the pilot can see. In cloudy conditions, the real horizon disappears, so
the artificial horizon is all-important.
The artificial horizon is similar in its malfunctioning to a flat tire, in that it
never fixes itself. You either replace it or repair it. But, after being
inoperative for over an hour, my artificial horizon started working perfectly
again just when I became in need of it. This was so unusual a thing to
happen that I doubted whether I could convince the maintenance mechanic
that it had malfunctioned at all, and for this reason I took a witness to the
phenomenon when I talked to the technician back at the hangar.
Five days later, I was visiting Uri Geller in the Las Vegas Hilton, and just
happened to mention the strange occurrence with the gyro horizon. He
immediately became very excited and started looking for a manila folder. I
noticed the corner of a manila folder sticking out from some other papers
right beside me and fished it out.  Is this it? I asked. Note please, skeptics,
that the folder was only a few inches from me, so that Geller had no
opportunity to write in it. Since I had not been in previous contact with
him or any of his associates for about a year, it is highly unlikely that he
would have found out about the malfunction.
 Open it, open it up, he shouted. I did, and found the following notation
scrawled across the first page:
Horizon went out!!
Comparison of our activities showed that when I was having my troubles in
the air on the 19th, near Evansville, Indiana, Uri had been listening to stereo
music on his headset in his New York City home. Over the music, Uri
suddenly heard a voice say,  Horizon went out. He didn t know what the
statement meant, so he wrote it down on the folder. Then he felt energy
flow through him, like when he fixes something. But this made no sense to
him, and he forgot about it. Until he heard my story.
Chapter Seven: A Solution To The Mystery Of Uri Geller
 I guess I fixed your horizon, he said.  It sure looks that way, I replied.
We then noticed an ashtray in the middle of the floor that had not
previously been there. As I commented on this, a small bottle flew
spontaneously from the desk across the room, sharply striking a window
some ten feet distant. The bottle hit glass with such a resounding crash that
I was surprised that nothing was broken.  I fixed it, I fixed your horizon, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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