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percentage granted by a piece of equipment  the FBSS, for example, adds 21% haste when
worn. The third type is haste that ignores the haste cap, or  overhaste  the haste seen on
some bard songs like Battlecry of the Vah Shir and on some disciplines for melee fighters.
The fourth type is a type of haste that stacks with other haste effects but does not exceed the
haste cap. This fourth type is only found on the bard songs Melody of Ervaj and Composition
of Ervaj and usually isn t particularly useful.
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Only one of each of the types of haste can aplly to a character at the same time. If
multiple effects give the same type of haste, then the higher haste percentage takes
precedence. Other components like stats will still stack, but the haste percentages will not. A
notorious example of this for bards is Warsong of the Vah Shir and Rizlona s Call of Flame.
These two songs appear to stack with each other; they can appear in the song window at the
same time. Even so, the bard s group only gets the 30% overhaste from Rizlona s because the
songs have the same haste type. Remember this when grouping in your 50s and above.
Mana / Heal Songs
Very important to decrease your groups downtime. Twist a manasong during fights to help
clerics and enchanters. For lower levels a healsong is sufficient because there is no real main
tank in the group and everybody takes some damage. You can look forward to when you get
the songs that add both, mana and hitpoints.
level 4
First healsong. Fits into every situation. Play it during fights when you are grouped. Play it
while receiving low damage when solo. It heals 4-19 HP per tick. It´s the only song that only
gives you HP.
new: 10
at lvl 70: 1
level 20
The 1st manasong which adds as much mana as the Enchanter Breeze. Always play it while in
a group during fights and downtimes. It´s useless when playing solo because songs don´t cost
mana  now you didn t know that right :& ?
new: 10
at lvl 70: 1
level 32
A new manasong similar to clarity. Since it also stacks with clarity it s a good way of
providing mana to chain blasting Wizards until they get themselves killed /wave Archindar.
new: 10
atlvl 65: 1
level 34
The first song that gives mana, hitpoints and stamina at the same time. The effect is only
slightly worse than when playing 3 different songs . Always use it when hitpoints or mana
don t drop to a crucial level.
new: 10
at lvl 70: 1
level 55
The best manasong yet! You should always memo it if you don t want to get constant
complaints by other group members (especially the mad blasting Wizards ;-P).
new: 10
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at lvl 70: 3
level 62
The best healing and mana regen song you get prior to OoW. As with the level 55 song, keep
it memorized.
new: 10
at lvl 70: 10
4.2.2. Twisting
The bard never has any time for breaks! He always has something to care about. Twisting
means playing 3 or more songs at the same time. This allows bards and their group to benefit
from 3 effects at the same time. It´s important that you stay exercised :&: A talented bard will
soon be well-known and always able find a group.
I´ll explain the technique of twisting with these 3 songs:
Chant of Battle
Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor
Hymn of Restoration
The songs must be available as hotkeys for twisting.
1. Start playing the 1st song. Just push hotkey slot number 3 twice and wait for the
message You feel your pulse quicken.
2. Now start 2nd song by ending 1st song. Just push hotkey slot 4 twice and wait for the
message The jig sends energy zinging through your body .
3. For the 3rd song it s the same procedure and you´ll get the message Your wounds
begin to heal.
4. Now all 3 song icons should be in your song window.
5. Start again with the first song and keep repeating this as often as needed. The most
important is that you train this skill until perfection. So you keep all three songs active
at any time  depending on your connection you may be able to twist even more
4.2.3. All About Instruments
A bard without instruments doesn t amount to much. This section will explain to you
exactly how instruments affect your songs, and some guidelines for when instruments are
most useful.
For a start, try right-clicking on any of your instruments to bring up its information
page. Look for a statistic that says  (instrument type) modifier: (number). For example, if I
opened the info on a basic, storebought Hand Drum, I would see,  Percussion Instruments:
18. If I looked at the info on, say, a Thunderous Drum of Karana, I would see  Percussion
Instruments: 28. These values are known as  instrument modifiers, or  mods for short,
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and are very important. The mod on an instrument determines how much it increases the
effectiveness of songs of that instrument type.
For some reason, Sony decided to list the mods on instruments as whole numbers
rather than decimals, which would have been more appropriate. The actual mod on an
instrument is the listed value divided by ten. For example, the mod on a Hand Drum is
actually 1.8. The mod on a Thunderous Drum of Karana is really 2.8.
Instrument mods work by multiplying the effectiveness of the song by the modifier.
To illustrate this, let s say you start singing Chant of Battle without a drum equipped. You ll
notice that your strength and dexterity increase. Now you equip a Hand Drum and play the
song again. You will notice that the song is more effective than it was when you were playing
it with no instrument. In fact, it is exactly 1.8 times more effective. The strength and
dexterity boosts you see now are 1.8 times larger than the ones you got while playing the song
without an instrument. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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