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allocation, regulatory affairs, business management,
and the potential for blackspace management.
and the patent process will give them a broader
background and a competitive edge for career
DISCUSSION advancement.
Faculty members benefit by getting first-hand
Inspire Entrepreneurial Attitude and Innovation experience at directing pharmaceutical development
operations. The faculty entrepreneur is now more
Despite all the challenges and barriers to entrepre-
than just an established researcher focusing on one
neurial activities in academic pharmaceutical
human health problem, he/she becomes a diversified
research, multiple successful pharmaceutical compa-
expert in the FDA approval process and the proof-of-
nies are slowly developing out of academic centers.
concept research required prior to the approval
The competitive edge of the University is production
process. This faculty entrepreneur can now train
of knowledge, and part of this knowledge production
students in the development process at a much higher
should be in applied research towards pharmaceu-
level than a general textbook overview. If one believes
tical development. This does not mean that everyone
that those who cannot do teach, then this solves the
in academic pharmaceutical science will abandon
problem by creating those who can do and teach.
faculty duties and run out to start a company, but for
Staff at the University can also benefit from the
those who are interested, it should be a real and
learning experience of start-up company operation.
validated opportunity. If universities do have such
Whether these staff hold administrative or technical
great IP, then that intellectual resource should
positions is of no consequence, as education in the
be used to differentiate an institution from the
operations aspects of both areas provides opportunity
benchmark competition by developing some of that
for career diversification and evolution.
IP with faculty creativity. After all, new ventures in
the forms of new Colleges of Pharmacy and Medicine
are appearing all over the country to compete with CONCLUSIONS
the more established programs. Indeed innovation
can be disruptive, but innovation should not be stifled Welcoming the disruptive innovation of a start-up
and excluded from the rest of the University mission, pharmaceutical company into the academic environ-
and at some point disruptive innovation may trump ment has many advantages, including a distinctive
the benchmark competition. impact on the research and educational missions
of the University. This new introduction of the
Be Opportunistic and Entrepreneurial by
private sector into the nonprofit sector can raise
Creating Resources
questions; however, research data exists in other
Resources that can be allocated to economic develop- sectors concerning the best ways to solve resource,
ment should pay off in the University setting. management, and conflict of interest issues. The
Although the typical start-up pharmaceutical com- commercialization of the healthcare enterprise can
pany return on investment timeframe can be multiple provide a good model to mimic, as far as oversight and
years, the payoff of an FDA approved drug with a good support for entrepreneurial activities. The challenges
pharmaceutical marketing partner is bigger than any and rewards of the academic entrepreneurial
other sector. Resources for start-up companies can lifestyle appeal to many faculty members, and this
come in many forms, including business management opportunity can be integrated and monitored in the
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DOI 10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 99, NO. 6, JUNE 2010 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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