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the idea.  But I don t think we should play that kind of game the
first time out. Do you?
 No. Kian had had enough of master and slave for the
moment. He wanted to look at Hunter and explore him with
more than just his gaze. He found his alien appearance
surprisingly arousing.
Hunter watched attentively as Kian removed the sleeves.
 This is like the slowest strip show in the universe.
 This is like the slowest strip show in the universe.
 I m only following your example.
 Ah, yes. Payback is such a bitch.
Sometimes the things Hunter said didn t translate well or he
strung words together in a way that was new to Kian s ear. That
saying, however, made perfect sense. Kian was going to pay
Hunter back for teasing him earlier. As he continued to remove
his suit, he watched as Hunter s cock returned to the hardened
state it had been in earlier. Just like his own prick, when he was
fully aroused, it stood away from his body, almost as if it were
When Kian removed the chest plate, Hunter gasped, moving
closer. Without asking, he reached out and stroked his fingers
over the marks on Kian s chest. His touch shivered a new and
profound kind of pleasure over Kian s skin.
 You have tattoos.
 They are my marks of oblivion.
 What does that mean?
 Getting the marks is very painful.
 I ve heard that.
 You have these marks on Earth?
 Yeah. Well, not these marks exactly. Hunter pulled his
hand away as if he d just realized he shouldn t assume he was
allowed to touch them.  We have tattoos. Other people do. I m
too chicken.
 You talk too much and too fast when you are frightened.
 I m not scared. I m in awe. Almost your whole chest is
covered. Hunter tilted his head.  Why would you want more
pain when you already have plenty from your disease?
pain when you already have plenty from your disease?
 That s the oblivion part. Kian mastered Hunter s hand,
tracing his finger over the intricate patterns that spanned a good
portion of his body. That curious rush of pleasure was back and
even more delicious.  When the artist works on my skin, I m so
focused on that pain that I don t feel the other. It s as if there is
so much pain I actually have peace. Or as I ve come to call it,
Hunter split his attention between the marks and Kian s face.
 It s like fighting fire with fire.
 I do not understand.
 On Earth, when there s a forest fire, sometimes they contain
the original fire by encircling it with another ring of fire. The main
fire hits the secondary area that s already burned, it has no more
fuel, and it dies. It s like you ve found a way to do that with
Kian considered.
 It also means that maybe I should be the one giving pain to
Chapter 9
As soon as the words left his mouth, Hunter wanted to call
them back, but it was too late. He honestly didn t know if he
could actually inflict pain on another, even if it might be helpful.
All he really wanted to do with Kian was give him so much
pleasure the pain had too much competition and went away.
 You would do that for me? Kian s hand tightened on
Hunter s, and he stopped tracing the slightly raised edges of his
body art.
 I would do almost anything for you. Again, Hunter spoke
without allowing the words to go through any kind of internal
filter. Maybe this was the right place for him. He d never felt this
safe on Earth. He d never felt such an instant and overwhelming
attraction to another. Perhaps when the Eoeans altered him in
their little blue doorway tunnel they literally changed his body and
brain to be more fascinated with Koronians. Altering him in that
way would make sense. He d be a lot more likely to be a good
little slave if he was physically attracted to the being who would
master him. However, that begged the question if anything had
been done to Kian. Given that he was an emperor s son, Hunter
found that prospect a little unlikely.
 I am pleased to hear that. Kian released Hunter s hand and
continued to remove his gleaming suit, revealing that almost his
entire body was covered with stunning black tattoos. The
designs were exotic and intricate, drawing Hunter s gaze
everywhere. Until he removed the legs of the suit. Once he did,
Hunter s gaze was riveted on his groin. He d seen and felt his
cock, which had been so amazingly smooth in his hand, but he
cock, which had been so amazingly smooth in his hand, but he
hadn t been able to see the rest.
At the base of his cock were three lumps. Reaching out,
Hunter almost touched them, but then didn t know if that would
be painful to Kian or not. Hunter pulled his hand back and just
stood still, looking and longing to explore.
 That s why I kept staring at you. We are built very
 But there s more about our bodies that are the same.
 You strive to be very positive.
 I do. Hunter grinned.  And I positively want to touch you.
 Without my suit on, I am more vulnerable to injury. Kian
seemed utterly horrified to have to make that confession.
 Then you should lie down on the softest surface. Hunter
took Kian s hand and pulled him over to the bed.
Kian settled on his back, and Hunter took a moment to peer
down at him.  That was easy.
 I got you into bed with hardly a struggle.
For a split second, Kian looked concerned. But then he
realized Hunter was teasing him, and he grinned.  Just what are
your intentions?
 To touch, tease, and please. Hunter settled next to Kian
and picked up where he d left off. He was in the center of his
chest, tracing one of the designs when he realized the marks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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