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anything about me being with Michael," he said softly.
"Just be careful, hon, that's all."
"He's not on anything," said Steven. "Not anymore."
"He lies about the drugs, Steven, even to people he loves. Just be careful, all right? I don't want to
see you hurt again."
"Does Sammy treat you right?" asked Steven softly.
"Yeah. Yeah, he really does."
Steven shook his head. "Everyone else is going to push you to get work done and focus. But I know
you well enough to know you did enough work in your hospital bed. So I want you to ignore them all. I
want you to take Sammy and get away from everything, just the two of you. For me, okay?"
The swell of Aidan's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. "We're working on that,"
he said softly.
"I know you are, love. I do." Steven pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped both eyes, then
blew his nose. "Promise me," he said softly.
"He's in class."
"Meet him at the door and disappear. You need it, Aidan. Time for just you. And if you go to your
room, they'll be waiting. You know they will, just like they were at the hospital. It won't be as many,
but they'll be a distraction when you need to spend time with him."
"There's only two days before spring break," Aidan said. "And Sammy doesn't have class on Friday.
I could take him away."
"You could," said Steven. "Will you?"
Aidan grabbed hold of Steven's hand. "Take me to him."
"It's the right thing, Aidan."
"Will you promise me something?" asked Aidan softly, as Steven sped toward campus.
"Make him feel the way I felt, when you were... when we were like that, you know, together."
"Yeah," said Aidan softly. "He'd never let go for me. You could give him that."
"He can be an ass."
"Yeah, well. At least it's an adorable ass."
Steven smiled. "It's my adorable ass."
"Is it?"
"It will be," said Steven confidently.
They reached campus, and Steven sped quickly to the science building, zipping up the service roads
to where the disability spaces were. He brought the car to a stop. "Wish you had a coat," he said softly,
lightly brushing Aidan's shoulder.
"You're sure this is a good idea?"
"Go. It's two days of classes. You'll be fine. Half the campus will be gone before Friday anyway."
Aidan looked at Steven a little sadly.
"It's okay. You love him. Go show him."
"What if he doesn't want to skip?"
"Just go," said Steven. "The moment he sees you, he won't be thinking about classes, trust me."
"Steven," Aidan hesitated. "Thank you."
Steven just shook his head. "Go. Get outta here. I don't want to see you until after vacation is over."
Aidan stepped out of the car and was about to close the door when a hand stopped it. "Wait."
"What?" asked Aidan.
"Take these," said Steven, handing him some foil pouches. "Sarah, she told me she thought Carol
was cheating on Sammy. Be safe, Aidan, please."
Aidan took the packets and pocketed them. "All right."
"Good. Now get the hell out of here before the reporters find you."
Chapter 36
Aidan peered through the long, narrow window in the door, spotting a harried Sammy. Aidan
glanced around, thankful that the few passersby appeared to be students. Quietly, he leaned back
against the wall. He tapped at the glass surface of his phone and sent a quick text. luv u.
Aidan watched as Sammy cradled his phone under the desk, a smile crossing his lips. Shortly
Aidan's phone beeped softly. u bck home?
press. avoiding.
sry, Sammy's face looked pained. wnt 2 c u.
h8 txtng, typed Aidan. wnt 2 tlk.
me 2. meet aftr cls? Sammy took a long time to type it, distracted by the lecture, his phone sitting
on his thigh as he scribbled notes.
rt here. Aidan responded.
now? Sammy looked up, and as he caught a glimpse of Aidan in the hall through the window, Aidan
watched the joy and want and need fill Sammy's face. Sammy closed his eyes and looked at the desk. 5
min lft. wait 4 me. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and resumed taking notes.
Aidan disappeared into a nook in the hallway and dialed a number he hadn't used since just after his
parents died.
The phone rang only twice before it was answered. "Good afternoon, you've reached the Flemming
residence," came a once familiar voice, practiced and formal and yet astonishingly genuine at the
same time.
"Hello, Jeeves," said Aidan quietly.
The voice at the far end was unperturbed. "Jeremy, sir, the name is Jeremy. Master Aidan, I feel
you should know the press has been trying to reach you."
"I'm sure. Can you make some arrangements for me?"
"Of course, sir."
"I know most of the properties are rented or leased out. But--"
"The main residence is, of course, open for you, sir. We also keep the New York apartment and
several of the others routinely cleaned and ready."
"The cabin?" asked Aidan hopefully.
"Of course, sir. It was your parents' special retreat."
"It's available?"
"We have a man who keeps it up, does maintenance, that sort of thing."
"So I could use it?"
"I can have it stocked for you, sir. I'm familiar with your favorites. Do you... I hesitate to ask, of
course, but do you cook, Master Aidan?"
"Yes, I can cook."
"Anything else?" asked Jeremy.
"You should have a store there, sir, from when you were sixteen. Do you think they'll fit? I doubt
he'll be able to get much in your taste for you."
"No, those'll do for me. I'll have a guest. Size 32 waist, 36 inch inseam. Jeans mostly and some
shirts. XL, certainly, but XLTs wouldn't go amiss. And some socks and underwear, cotton boxers. One
or two nice pairs for intimate wear would be lovely. Red silk if you can get them."
There was a brief hesitation on the phone. "You're taking company to the cabin, sir?"
"Yes, Jeremy."
"Does he know, sir?"
"About the money? He does. Knowing isn't the same as understanding. Can you do it?" asked
"Of course, sir," said Jeremy confidently. "Do you need supplies, sir?"
"I'm not sending you out for prophylactics, Jeremy."
"Oh, not me, sir. But if you need them, I can have John fetch them along with the other items. Trust
me, sir, he'll be far less embarrassed about those than the silk boxers."
Aidan laughed. "All right. And lube. Just a variety. I'm not sure what Sammy prefers."
"Any particular kind for the condoms, sir?" asked Jeremy, remarkably calm.
"A mix, Jeremy. Some should be that larger size," said Aidan, blushing as he thought of Sammy's
cock rubbing against him. He was so big. "Quite a number actually," he managed to stammer out.
"A healthy sex life is nothing to be ashamed of, young master," said the voice on the other end of
the line. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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