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"Didn't it tell you something that she kept coming back to it?"
"Of course it told me something! It told me she was desperately looking for attention and love and a
reason to live."
"And you thought you could provide that? I'd say that's pretty arrogant, Harry. Do you really think a life
that depends on your powers of persuasion is really worth living?"
Harry stared at her. "I was trying to help her open her heart to the love of God. How is that out of line for
a pastor?"
"You tried to force your personal values on her. You have this taboo against suicide. It clearly didn't
relate to her personal needs. I'm glad I was able to intervene before you wasted more of the church's
time trying to interfere with an intensely personal decision."
"Wasted time? Saving the life of a child?"
"What does it profit a person if she saves her life and forfeits her soul? Cassie was trying to follow her
heart, the true way of the Spirit. You were trying to keep her off the path of God."
"The path of God? Since when is the path of God the way of death?"
"We must die to live again."
"You know as well as I do that has nothing to do with a child putting poison in her veins."
"I know nothing of the sort, and it offends me deeply to hear you questioning my compassion. God is
calling us to cleanse this earth by phasing out human corruption. Every person who's called to further that
goal by removing themselves ought to be encouraged."
Harry shook his head. "I heard you talking Extinctionism," he said. "I never knew you'd take it to this
"I'm no hypocrite."
"Well you call Cassie's parents, then. Explain to them why it was good for the earth for their daughter to
"I'm prepared to do that."
Harry got up to go. His face was wet. As he walked out the door he said "I'm going to talk to the bishop
"Be my guest."
* * *
FROM: A. Carnegie Hall, Station Mgr.
TO: WEEP announcers.
RE: Studio Doors, Earephones.
Once again I must reutterate again station policey on entering and exciting out of the studio. All anouncers
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WILL enter the studio at the beginning of his shift from the west door (by the utilty room) and exite from
the North door, (by the transmitter.) Thus insuring a free flow of traffic flow in the building. And
remember, do not hang around in the studio if your not on shift.
ALSO, from now on WEEP will not be responcible for keeping earphones in the studio. If employees
wish to use earphones, they may purchase there own. Otherwise, make do with the moniters.
Thank you.
Rory's listeners could tell he was in a good mood, and several called to mention it.
He'd found peace. He knew what he was going to do.
Thumb was smart, but not as smart as he thought. Rory didn't know how he'd predicted the meeting
with Zippy (or Laura  he'd have to start thinking of her as Laura now), but the result had been just the
opposite of what he'd wanted.
He'd always liked Zippy. And now that she was a pretty girl instead of a skinny kid, he liked her even
better. No way he'd do anything to hurt her.
No. He'd talk to her. He felt sure in his heart he could bring her to Jesus if he just had the chance to
spend some time with her.
He'd drive out there tonight, after his shift. Let Thumb sit on his name.
"Weather forecast for WEEP Country  colder and windier, folks, and there's a chance of some snow
sneaking up on our blind side. Nasty weather for October, but praise the Lord, when He's in our vessel
we can smile at the storm...."
Two thick-necked young men in north woods jackets stopped Rory at the gate of the W.O.W. farm.
When he mentioned Young Goat Star, they sent someone to get her. Rory pulled a stocking cap down
over his ears and shivered in the wind until she came to vouch for him.
"This isn't the best night, Rory," said Laura as they walked down the driveway.
"I tried to call first, but the operator said you aren't listed."
"We don't have a phone. We're holding a ceremony tonight, and outsiders aren't allowed to watch. It's
not like we've got anything to hide, you understand, but you wouldn't get anything out of it unless you
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believe. You know what I mean."
"I guess so."
"You can come to the Preliminary Lecture though. Then we can go someplace and talk. It'll be a good
night for that. The comet-watching will be good, and I know I won't sleep."
"Something important happening?" asked Rory. They walked down the driveway, crunching gravel
underfoot, the lights of the farmhouse glowing on their right, Troll Valley black beyond it. The stars were [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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