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one." She showed him Dalkey's other printouts. "These men are all ex-felons,
all received early paroles, and they're all under similar
privacy seals." DeVeer didn't insist that she identify her sources, which was
an immense relief to her. She hoped that he thought that she herself was the
Spacedep employee who had pulled the files. He read the third set of films
with the same focused attention he ha'd read the other two.
Partway through the first page, he pulled over his computer terminal.
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He spent some minutes entering data and looking from the screen to the
printouts. Then he became engrossed, fingers stabbing at function keys,
tapping out new requests. Kelly sat with her hands clutched in her lap', her
eyes pinned on the Poldep investigator.
"Interesfing,' he said, looking up at her after nearly an hour.
He leaned back in his chair, tented his fingertips together again, and fixed
his keen gaze on Kelly.
Kelly leaned across the table. "Then you believe me? Can you find out if
Klonski does have a way to alter the freeze-dry brands?" The chief
investigator smiled thinly under his moustache. "I'll try to help you, Miss
Green, but I have only your suspicion, based on hearsay, that this
Klonski might-just might-be involved in illegal activities.
Even if he admitted to developing such a process, that wouldn't automatically
clear your friends. They could have made use of his
"special services" as easily as anyone else. In fact, some of that large sum
in his credit account could have been paid in by them."
"But they didn't. They didn't!" In her frustration, Kelly banged her fists on
his desk. "Why would he be in the Spacedep files if that bunch didn't use his
"special services"? And you surely don't think they'd let him take outside
contracts!" DeVeer smiled at that remark. "This is the first real evidence to
support my friends' innocence. Won't you help me prove it? Please! There's
really a lot at stake!" DeVeer tapped his fingertips together. "Yes, I will
have to initiate an investigation. Not necessarily on your friends' behalf,
for some of those charges do not lie in my jurisdiction. But rustling does.
The problem of stock theft has recently trebled. New worlds are desperate for
all kinds of stock, not juSt horses. Every animal must be marked and records
kept of inoculations to prevent the spread of disease, and to be sure that
livestock is protected against any indigenous problems on their destination
planet. But if the marks can be skillfully altered, then our very complex
disease control system has been bypassed.
That can't be allowed to happen, especially on an increasingly larger scale.
One of my priorities is putting an end to illicit traffic in livestock."
"Then Doona isn't the only planet to have trouble with rustlers?" Kelly asked.
"Unfortunately, it isn't. But you may just have brought me the tip I've
needed." He smiled at her, and his face changed from an austere mask to that
of a warm and charming man.
"If this Klonski has an illegal means of altering brand marks, I can help you
clear your friends at least of that charge. And Klonski is on parole?" DeVeer
sat up and entered the identification number from the film into his computer
"Yes, he is. The creation of a process used for illegal purposes is a parole
violation. That can land him right back on a penal colony world, with or
without Spacedep approval. I see he's due for a meeting with his parole
officer, should have met with her yesterday. Didn't show.
That gives me the right to have a few words with him." DeVeer stood up,
indicating the interview was at an end.
"May I come along?" Kelly pleaded. The chief considered the question for a
long moment.
"It is not necessary for an anonymous accuser to face the defendant prior to a
hearing. In fact, it could be dangerous."
"Look, Mr. DeVeer,' Kelly began earnestly, "I've risked a lot to lay this
information before you. It might even be dangerous for me to go back out into
Aisle and Corridor if anyone guesses where I've gone. II, I'm with you, I'm
"I could arrange for protective custody for you..
"Mr. DeVeer, I only feel safe in your presence, she said firmly.
He considered her argument. "It is certainly not regular procedure."
"There's been nothing regular about this whole mess,' Kelly replied tartly.
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"I trust you, Mr. DeVeer. I can be discreet but I'd rather be in your
"Would Klonski recognize you? No? That's as well. But there is another
aspect you must consider, Miss Green, in this compulsion of yours to stay
under my protective wing. Suppose he describes you to his contacts at
"Let him,' Kelly said, sticking her chin up and shoving her shoulders back
He handed her a black tunic. "Lift your right hand'-she did-'now swear that
you will obey me as your superior,' which she did. He fastened a plain bar to
the collar tab. "There! You are now a deputy under my direct orders." They
left the office together.
The address on Klonski's file was in a block which had been occupied from
before living memory by clans calling themselves the First
The living spaces bordered on the spacious homes of distant memory and were
located in the widest Aisles Kelly had ever seen: Aisles with plants in the
malls. Security devices and operatives strode slowly but alertly up and down.
She was startled to see several men and women in poorer dress hurrying along
between the buildings. Security didn't seem to notice them, and then Kelly
realized they were undoubtedly menials, serving in the fine apartments of the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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