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as if that would somehow make him look even more intimidating.
Granted, the employees that had been eavesdropping had taken that as the sign to
move their asses and go back to work, but it only irritated Necie.  Move, she said,
mimicking the gesture and meeting his cold glare head on.
 Not happening, he said, shaking his head just enough to get his point across as he
continued standing there, doing his best to frighten her, but for whatever reason, he d
never accepted the fact that she wasn t afraid of him.
Well, she was sure that at some point he d realized the truth, but had probably taken
it as a challenge, which could also be said for the stubborn man refusing to vacate the
sidewalk across the street from them.
 I m tired and going home, she said, refusing to point out that she d been working
since three this morning, because he was already well aware of her work schedule
today since he d insisted on accompanying her in to work this morning and had
refused to leave her side since.
For all twelve hours of her shift, he d been right there, watching her, standing next to
her, following her and refusing to give her a single moment of peace. She didn t even
want to think about the bathroom incident, which she d only made the mistake of
making once.
Since once had been more than enough, she d done her best to ignore him, but it was
kind of difficult to ignore an ex-marine determined to watch her every move. A few
times she d tried to distract him with phone calls, paperwork that really didn t need
his attention and when she became desperate to use the bathroom without him
hovering, a platter of double fudge cupcakes, but nothing worked.
For the past twelve hours he d watched her every move, driving her closer and closer
to the point of insanity, and possibility first-degree murder. When she told him to stop
it, he d simply reached over, gave her a condescending pat on her head and told her to
move her ass so that they could prepare for the lunch rush. Glaring, and making plans
to pick up a bottle of dried liver flakes to add to his boiled chicken and potato dinner
that she was making him for dinner tonight, she moved to walk around him, but he
simply ignored her, wrapped his arm around her and lead her towards the backdoor,
uncaring that she was fuming or planning her revenge.
 My van is parked out front, she bit out between clenched teeth even as she was
forced to reach over and slap the back of his hand when he tried to sneak a double
fudge brownie off a platter.
 I had it moved before lunch, her grandfather said with a triumphant sigh when they
reached the back door. Then, without another word, he opened the back door, gave her
a little push to kick her out and then promptly closed the steel door behind him with a
deafening click, leaving her all alone in the alley that made up the back parking lot.
 Alright then, she said, shaking her head in disgust as she hugged her backpack
tightly to her chest, shot nervous glances around the basically clean and well-lit back
parking lot and focused all of her attention on the brand new black Dixon Bakery
delivery van that had been paid for by the lovely insurance company that couldn t
seem to find a clause to cancel their policy no matter how many  accidents or
 incidents that seemed to happen when she was behind the wheel.
Shooting one last glare at the heavily locked steel door behind her, she reminded
herself to review the tapes later to make sure that her grandfather wasn t using this
as an excuse to,  live it up, as he d like to call it and taste test every sugary sweet
treat in the place. Thankful that she d purchased the Gold package so that she could
watch the surveillance videos at home, she made plans to pick up a pizza on the way
home, a gallon of chocolate milk since she d had a really difficult day thanks to her
grandfather s hovering, and made plans to review all the footage from today, praying
that she found an excuse to call his doctor and rat his ass out so that the doctor could
pull him in for another one of those conversations that he liked to have with him and
scare some damn sense into her grandfather.
A brownie wasn t worth your life no matter how delicious it was.
It just wasn t and sooner or later her grandfather was going to figure it out, or she d
simply have him committed to that lovely senior citizen home down the street that
was known for its lovely salad bar and strict rules against meat. That should be more [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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