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nose hovered over the ground, obviously sniffing and hunting for a scent that didn t belong. Finally it
huffed out a breath and moved along, searching for any other threats.
Damp lips brushed her neck, Isaac nuzzling her throat and more of his flavors sunk into her.
 She s going to be fine, you know, he murmured against her skin.
 No, I know. And she did know. Mostly.  I just worry.
 You know how wolves are. You know they ll protect and care for her. Especially if& 
Especially if the alpha, Bates, was Zoey s mate. Considering that werewolves found their mates
by scent alone, she didn t have much of a doubt. Especially after they d all traipsed into the house and
she d witnessed her best friend s reaction to the male. She wasn t going to say Zoey was drooling
but& Kira had handed over a tissue or two.
That was the only reason she d left her home and let the wolves overrun the place.
Most packs weren t like Kira s. Most alphas cared for their pack and protected them. There was
no violence outside of challenges. They did not allow one wolf to pick on weaker wolves. Bates
assured Zoey and Kira that was the case in Redby.
The alpha had not been happy having to justify his treatment of his pack to a mole. He almost put
voice to the words, but Ty and Isaac stepped forward, their massive bodies backing her up.
When all was said and done, when all assurances were given and accepted, and a handful of calls
were made to check Bates references (that annoyed the hell out of him), they left Zoey to the care of
the pack. Isaac and Kira retreated to his home to spend the night, promising one and all, Kira would
be back first thing in the morning to check on her best friend.
Bates looked pissed off that she didn t trust him while the others stared at Kira as something akin
to a ghost. They couldn t believe she existed. She was prey who d lived with wolves and survived.
Not only survived, but she d become best friends with another wolf.
Kira didn t want to know what happened to other prey shifters. At all. Flynn tried to assure her
they were merely run out of Redby, but she d also heard murmurings about the now-dead beta Morgan
and what he d done&
No matter what, she was here and Zoey was there, and they had a long night stretching before
 Kira? Isaac whispered into her ear.
 What? Sorry. I was thinking about Zoey and Bates and what their mating would mean. To me.
She didn t add that part.  Bates is only the temporary alpha. I worry& 
 Bates may seem like a mean and gruff male, but even the meanest are putty in their mate s hands.
If Zoey wants to stay, I imagine he ll figure out a way to make that happen. Even if it means taking
over a small patch of nowhere in Georgia.
Isaac seemed so sure and solid, and Kira let herself feel a small ray of hope.
 Now, c mon. I wanna shower, and I think you could use a good soak in the tub. He nibbled her
earlobe.  It s got jets and I m sure it s big enough for two.
 Jets? She tilted her head and gave him more room.
 Uh-huh. Zoey is safe, you re safe, there are knock on wood no dangers hanging over our
head. At least not immediately. I know they re still out there, but we re surrounded by wolves. I
figure we can relax enough to finish what we started. He ended the sentence with a low, husky
whisper that traveled straight to her core.
 Finish&  He captured her earlobe and tugged, forcing a whimper past her lips.
 If you re willing. Only if you re willing, Kira. No matter what, you re mine. Today or two
weeks from now, I ll eventually make you mine.
His. She wanted to be his more than she could say. Now it was time to make it a reality. Was she
Yes. No question, no hesitation. The answer was yes.
She wanted to be Isaac s.
Even more, she wanted Isaac to be hers.
 Yes, she slowly turned in his arms, meeting his gaze as she clutched his shoulders.  Yes.
 Yeah? A grin teased his lips.
That grin spread to a blinding smile, one that was accentuated by lengthened fangs and deep,
midnight eyes. The bear had come out to play, probably encouraged by Kira s acceptance of their
 C mon then. He stepped out of her embrace and extended his arm, hand open and waiting for
There was no hesitation when she reached for him and slid her palm over his. She twined her
fingers with Isaac s and easily followed him as he led her through the house. The sounds of the home
followed them, the shift and creak of the old walls and aged floors. The steps whined as Isaac and
Kira climbed, but it did nothing to bank the growing arousal.
The closer they came to his room, the higher her need climbed. She d felt his mouth on her, but
now he d be everywhere, he d touch everywhere, he d& see everywhere.
Would it disgust him? She d already felt his scarring and she couldn t care less.
Would he be the same way? He hadn t said a word about her marred flesh after their almost love
making in the forest, but she didn t think he d truly had a moment to look, either.
Now he would.
Kira s heart stuttered, fluttering with the prospect of being bare and revealing all. She knew that
he was her mate, that they were meant to be together forever, but& But lifelong insecurities were
very hard to banish. Hell, these weren t even lifelong. They were about ten years old.
They stepped onto the landing, padding toward their destination, when Isaac stopped. She nearly
tripped, tumbling into him, but he caught her with ease.
 Isaac? Wha ?
He whirled and grasped her by her forearms.  We don t have to do this.
 Huh? She wrinkled her brow.  I thought you wanted& Did you not want& ? But& 
 I can scent your emotions just as you can discern mine. I know what I m smelling, Kira, and it
isn t an overwhelming wave of need for me. His voice was rough, the bear s growl making it rumble
even more.
 You scent& You don t think I want you? She shook her head and sighed. Still holding his hand,
she strode past him and tugged him along.
 Kira. Another growl followed by a snarl. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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