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prostitute as his wife. If I find that Christy is expecting a child by another man, the
invalidity will be inevitable.
-I have asked Sir Oswald to come to London to give us a full report on the situation in
the Highlands.
"I'm looking forward to," said Sinjun, determined to confront his wife for her infidelity.
He had enjoyed for many years gave him the freedom to marry without having to bear
the burden of a wife, but Christy's behavior went beyond what he could tolerate. If it
depended, no bastard would take the surname Thornton.
Julian's intervention helped Sinjun to quickly get a sentence of nullity which required
only the signature of Christy.
Sinjun left London that same month. In some ways grateful for the distraction, because
that would prevent Florida is thinking about his whole life.
He traveled in his own car and stayed at the inns that ran along the road. When there
were no inns, was accommodated at the home of English nobles delighted to host for a
night to Lord Mansfield's brother, a man who was preceded by its reputation. The
exploits of Lord Sin had been the talk of high society for years.
After two weeks of exhausting journey for some roads almost impassable, Sinjun saw
the old towers of Glenmoore.
Chapter 5
Sitting on a bench overlooking the lake, Christy crossed his legs below its body,
huddled on the narrow layer shoulders and stared at the water that reflected the color
of the gray clouds advancing on his head. Christy loved the land. The heather-covered
moors, towering mountains, even mist that clung to the ground and hung over the
lake. She let out a deep sigh as his thoughts wandered to London and Sinjun. It had
been two months since he left, but it seemed an eternity.
Two months were not easy. The weather had not helped, and the road car back home
had been in a constant state of nausea. The rutted roads and mud covered the trip had
turned into something dangerous, and the situation they found upon arrival in
Glenmoore was explosive.
Calum Cameron had been creating problems in your absence. When Christy Sinjun and
explained that she had reconciled and had reached an amicable agreement with regard
to her marriage, she had been livid. He hoped to return to London to be a free woman
and that you accept him as husband.
Tell Calum and members of his clan he was awaiting a Sinjun son had not been easy.
She had heard a cry of disbelief and disappointment. It was clear that nobody wanted
to believe she was pregnant with the son of an Englishman.
"I thought I'd find you here.
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Christy gasped, surprised to see Calum almost on top of it.
"You should not creep closer as people. You scared me to death.
Calum, a burly giant shaggy brown hair and prominent muscles, crouched at his side.
Christy pulled away instinctively. Could not be said to be afraid of Calum, but the
expression of his blue eyes made him nervous. He could be a very powerful enemy.
"We need to talk.
- What about clan affairs? Christy asked, pretending not to understand what he meant.
Calum through her figure with a cold blue eyes full of hatred.
-No. About Us.
"There is no" us, "Calum. I have a husband. I've been married for almost three quarters
of my life.
"You know the clan members do not accept the bastard English as your husband. We
can not forget that we seized the land and freedom denied us the day that our parents
were defeated at Culloden. Your father and your brothers died that day. Lord Derby
shames us all with his lack of concern for his wife and their land.
"I told you that Lord Derby and I are no longer strangers. I am expecting a son.
Calum's expression turned fierce.
- And where is that bastard, then? Why not here with you? You're lying, girl. There is
no child and no reconciliation. No Englishman you deserve.
Calum's heavy hand landed hard on his shoulder. Christy shuddered but it did no
more concessions to its strength.
"You know I love you, girl.
"What I want is to become chief," she said. That's all I ever wanted. Highlands will no
longer be ours as we live if it depends on the British.
"The clan needs a man to lead the struggle against oppression and unjust taxation that
fill the pockets of Lord Derby.
Christy was furious.
- What can you do that has not been tried already? I verbally protested to Sir Oswald.
We have even deferred taxes quarterly.
"A man could lead a rebellion. I lead a rebellion, "he said while his massive chest
swelled with pride. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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