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itself to my member, and it began to stiffen, at which sign
Lord Henry coaxed it with his hands with the utmost
persistence, until it enlarged and erected itself with more than
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
usual firmness. As soon as this consummation had been
attained, my companion again began caressing it with lips
and tongue with greater avidity than ever, kissing and
sucking and licking the distended knob with the utmost
fervency, while with his hands he tickled and titillated my
balls and thighs, and, pressing open my legs, pushed one
finger into my bottom-hole. I was in a fever of mingled
discomfort and excitement. My voice grew husky, the finger
penetrated so far up my bottom, and worked about so much
in those interior regions as to hurt me, while an occasional
pressure of Lord Henry's teeth on the head of my cock, and
the force with which he every now and then pressed back the
prepuce, also caused me some little pain. Once more I
stopped reading, but once again the gentle but inexorable
voice and eyes bade me resume. The voluptuousness of the
descriptions of the book, with their unbounded salaciousness,
began to fascinate me, unbidden little thrills ran through my
body, and my limbs twitched spasmodically, while my belly
and posteriors wriggled and squirmed in spontaneous
lasciviousness. This scene continued for some time, until my
awakening lust conquered all other sensations. At length, a
sudden glow of irresistible delight surged through me, giving
promise of something yet more pleasurable to follow. My
member throbbed and grew more stiff, sensible of which, my
host applied himself to sucking it with still greater insistence,
while his hands worked on my balls and in my bottom-hole
with feverish quickness. The fires of voluptuousness flamed
still fiercer in my veins, and my body writhed under the
influence of this current of libidinousness.. My voice faltered,
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
it seemed as if I could bear no more, and then the resistance
within was forced aside. I felt a series of throbs and thrills of
inconceivable yet almost agonising pleasure shoot through
me, while my cock leaped with uncontrollable vehemence,
and discharged its liquid in gushes from the end into the
mouth of Lord Henry, who sucked with all his force, causing
me an excruciating though exquisite rapture, so that it was
beyond endurance; I could see no more to read, my head fell
back nervelessly, I gasped and groaned, and my fingers
clutched the book convulsively, almost tearing it. I strove to
rise and free myself, but my companion with firm hands
stayed my struggles, and did not cease from his labial
operations, which threw me into a frenzy of emotional
madness, until at last I could stand no more, and, bending
down, dropping the book I held, I clutched wildly at Lord
Henry's head. He looked up with an insinuating glance, and
requested me to go on reading; so, feeling compelled to
obey, I picked up the book again, and, forced to ignore the
deep agitation which shook my frame, began again in as calm
a tone as I could manage, all the time filled with a raging
bodily irritation, which was all the more aggravated by my
having to remain passive under it, while my cock ached and
smarted and tingled beneath Lord Henry's tongue and lips,
the flesh round the root palpitated, my balls hung down
poignantly sensitive, and my intestines twisted in an interior
travail. My soul seemed verily to shrink within me beneath all
these symptoms, and I read on half in a dream. It was not
until I had finished another two chapters that Lord Henry
desisted from his attentions, at last got up, took away the
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
book, which he replaced in the cabinet, and brought a warm
dressing-gown, which he directed me to don.
When I had put this on, my host said it was time to retire,
and conducted me to a very large bedroom, wainscotted with
oak, and equipped with splendid specimens of massive,
antique furniture, with an enormous, old-fashioned bed at one
side. A huge fire blazed merrily in the capacious fireplace, and
diffused a pleasant warmth throughout the apartment.
I looked about for my night attire, but Lord Henry said I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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