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ing him lightly, touching her tongue to the nipple that
was almost hidden in the tight curls surrounding it.
As though he could no longer tolerate what she was
making him feel, he held her against him as he rolled
over onto his back, so that her body blanketed him.
"Oh, Felicia. I'll never get enough of you your
touch, your presence or your love in my life," he
murmured, hungrily searching for her mouth.
Their slow, relaxed lovemaking escalated into a fiery
need for both of them. Dane's hands wrapped around
her waist in a firm grip and he lifted her slightly, fit-
ting her to him, before surging upward, deep inside
Felicia almost cried out with the wonder of his ag-
gressive possession. He felt so good to her, strong and
hard, and she luxuriated in the feeling that they be-
longed together. They had waited so many years for
this magic, but it had been worth the wait, the tears
and the growing up.
She could hold her own with this man now. They
were equals. At the moment she enjoyed the sense of
being in control, even if for a few moments, as she set
a pace for them in the ancient ritual of lovemaking.
Dane could take only so much before he pulled her
down to his chest and hung on to her while he rolled
over, placing her beneath him. She smiled up at him,
noticing the tiny furrow between his brow, the slight
dampness of his face, the look of concentration he
wore that caused her to lose what little control she'd
managed to salvage.
She clamped her thighs tighter around his hips,
meeting each of his movements with one of her own,
recognizing the sense of exultation that swept over her
when she could tell he no longer maintained control
over his reactions.
Then she was lost to everything but sensation. She
felt as though she were in the midst of a celestial col-
lision, with thousands of stars spinning out of con-
trol, sparkling the air all around them with myriad bits
of color.
Dane's final lunge seemed to carry them away from
earth's gravity, causing them to drift in that mindless
space of utter contentment, causing them to fall into
an exhausted sleep.
Yet during the night Dane reached for her again and
again, to make sure she was there with him, to touch
her hand and feel the reality of the ring on her finger,
to stroke her breast, to kiss her slightly swollen lips and
to ignite the flame within her once again.
When Dane woke up the next morning, he glanced
around the large, airy room, trying to figure out where
he was. Shifting his head slightly on the pillow, he saw
Felicia sound asleep a few inches away. She looked
very peaceful in her sleep, very much like the young
girl he'd first met twelve years ago.
God, how he loved her! And he was going to do
everything he could to protect her. Moving carefully
so as not to wake her, he crawled out of bed and went
into the bathroom. After a quick shower he put on the
clothes he'd worn the day before, looked in the mir-
ror and recognized that he needed to shave. There
wasn't a hell of a lot he could do about that at the
He decided to try the door, and discovered that it
wasn't locked, so he went in search of his host. It took
him several minutes to find his way to the dining
room. Pausing in the open doorway, he watched as a
gray-haired man stood up from behind the table and
said, "Good morning, Senor Rineholt. I trust you
slept well. Won't you join me for breakfast?"
Dane wondered if Alice had felt something similar
after stepping through the looking glass. This affable
man was the same one who had abducted Felicia and
spirited him to his home?
Felipe poured another cup of coffee and set it at the
place to his left at the long, ornate table. "Allow me
to introduce myself. My name is Felipe Santiago. I
happen to be an old friend of Adam St. Clair's."
"So Felicia said. He's never mentioned your name."
"Is that so? I'm surprised. He often speaks of you.
He's quite fond of you, I think."
"We're very close."
"Of course. That is only natural, your being his
partner as well as his brother-in-law."
"I suppose." Dane took a sip of the coffee, which
was excellent. "Look, would you mind telling me
what's going on?"
Felipe smiled. "I suppose you are a little confused,
"That's one way of putting it."
Felipe's face sobered. "Senor Rineholt. You and
your wife have no business down here at the moment.
In my own way I have tried to protect you. You are
asking questions in places where the answers are fa-
tal. Rather than try to reason with you, I chose to
protect you in my own way, by bringing you here."
"Do you know where Adam is?"
"No. But I have reason to believe that he is dead."
Hearing the words spoken with such certainty was
like a blow to Dane's solar plexus. "Did you kill
him?" he managed to ask.
"Of course not. We were doing business together.
Working with Adam, I stood to make a great deal of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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