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graph the following is written:  Conditional, Mr. President, both you and I have rent Cuban-American relations.
taking into account the possible opinions of worked intensively you longer than I The USA policy in the question of nor-
F. Castro. ] to achieve an agreement on SALT-2. It malization of relations with Cuba is deter-
But if that which is going on now in would be a tragedy for our countries if this mined by two main factors: their military-
the United States around this issue is an at- work for peace would be today threatened strategic interests, and the domestic situa-
tempt which is motivated by some other as a result of the fact that both our govern- tion, said Arbesu. At the same time, from
considerations, then we can only express our ments could not resolve the problem which the military-strategic point of view, there are
regret about that. has caused on one side a feeling of deep two policy lines in the USA leadership now:
It seems to us that any sort of other concern. the line of the National Security Council,
thoughts should recede before the signifi- On parting in Vienna, we agreed to and the line of the State Department. Thus,
cance of the Soviet-American relations, in openly inform each other when necessary, Brzezinski thinks that Cuba,  as a result of
which now the important place is occupied and I am writing to you specifically in the its economic dependence on the Soviet
the Treaty on Limitation of Strategic Arms spirit of that openness and our common ad- Union, does not have its own foreign
(SALT-2). herence to the establishment of more stable policy, that it is a  Soviet satellite , and that
Let us, Mr. President, proceed from the mutual relations. therefore, there is no sense in talking to
results of the exchange of opinions on the Sincerely, Cuba. All the questions concerning, for ex-
key issues of Soviet-American relations and Jimmy Carter ample, the Cuban actions in Africa or in
problems of world politics which we had in Central America should be discussed with
Vienna and which I value highly. His Excellency James E. Carter the Soviet Union so that it would  put the
In general, Mr. President, I wanted to President of the United States of America needed pressure on Cuba.
tell you one thing: it makes sense to remove The White House, Washington The USA State Department takes a dif-
this artificially contrived issue without spoil- ferent approach in relation to Cuba. They
ing the atmosphere, showing restraint and LINES OF DIRECT COMMUNICATION, believe that in spite of all those things, the
consideration. KREMLIN COMMITTEE of STATE SE- questions concerning Cuba should be dis-
I think that such an approach would CURITY OF THE USSR cussed with Cuba itself, not with the USSR.
In the last several months Brzezinski the principled issues of our policy in Africa proving relations with Cuba, not to speak
line took over in the American leadership, and in other regions of the globe, especially about it publicly. Senator G. McGovern has
said Arbesu; and that had a negative effect in the circumstances when the economic to exercise caution now because the state in
not only on USA-Cuban relations but also blockade of Cuba is being maintained in its which he will run for reelection [South Da-
on their policy to Latin America in general. fullest form. However, Arbesu mentioned, kota] is well known for its conservative elec-
The USA instigated the well-known the Americans show some interest in a dia- torate. The same could be said about Sena-
 microcrisis concerning the presence of the logue with our Interest Section in Washing- tor Church [of Idaho]. Other  young Sena-
Soviet military training center in Cuba, re- ton, though it has a certain situational char- tors [Representatives], like, for example,
newed reconnaissance flights over our ter- acter. For example, when the  microcrisis F. Richmond, and R. Nolan, even though
ritory, conducted provocative maneuvers on concerning the presence of the Soviet mili- they are not up for re-election this time, pre-
their base at Guantanamo and naval exer- tary specialists in Cuba came up, they dis- fer not to mention the question of normal-
cises near our coasts. All this led to the situ- cussed it with our representatives at the In- ization of relations with Cuba now.
ation where now we have reached  the low- terest Section. In regards to who the winner will be, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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