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Even if she couldn t identify her attacker, she had to wake up. She
must live, really live, with her bright eyes open and that sweet smile on
her face, the one that warmed his heart and made his life worthwhile.
He closed the book in his lap and glanced at her, hoping for any
change. She hadn t moved. He d spent most of his time reading to her
from his father s journal, which he d asked his secretary to bring to him
along with a small duffle bag of clothes and toiletry items.
He caught his whiskered reflection in a mirror on the wall over a
small sink in the corner and decided he had let himself go the past few
days, despite the items in his duffle. Tonight, when one of the brothers
was here to look after her, he d find a shower somewhere in this hospital
and make himself more presentable.
A nurse came in to check her vitals, and he stood up and stretched.
She smiled at him and raised her arm to stare at a wristwatch while she
took Sylvia s blood pressure.
 I m going to grab a cup of coffee, he said to the nurse. He
couldn t bear Sylvia being left alone for even a moment. He couldn t stand
the thought of her waking up alone. He hesitated a moment but figured
he d be back quickly enough, so he gave her his thanks and headed down
the hall.
When he returned, though, he heard a soft, feminine voice that
didn t belong to the nurse.
 I m so sorry.
He stopped just outside of the room and listened. Why was she
 I didn t mean for this to happen. It was supposed to just make you
go away, not 
 You did this to her? He couldn t believe what he d heard.
 Richard. She startled.  I m sorry, I didn t see you there.
He narrowed his eyes at her and let his rage show.  Obviously.
You want to tell me why you poisoned the woman I love?
 I didn t  Her eyes were wide as she shook her head and tears
  I didn t mean for this to happen,  he quoted.  You want to
explain what you did intend to happen? Don t mess with me, Mother. I
know what I heard. How could you do it?
 It was just supposed to make her lose interest and go away. You
deserve so much better than her. Richard, I was trying to protect you.
 Protect me? From what?
 From yourself! You deserve so much more than some miner s
daughter eager to land the wealthy CEO. She s not good enough for you.
 She s everything to me. I love her, Mother.
His mother cringed, fist at her temples, and then she pleaded with
him.  I didn t want this. It wasn t supposed to almost kill her. Please, you
have to understand. I just wanted what s best for you.
 No. If you did want that, you never would ve harmed her. She is
what s best for me, Mother. She is. He pulled out his cell phone and
dialed the police.
 What are you doing?
 Yes, this is Richard Princeton& at the hospital. Someone here just
confessed to the crime of poisoning Sylvia White.
His mother reached for the phone, but he grabbed her wrist and
gave her a hard look.  Yes, my mother will turn herself in. She ll be here
when you get here. I ll make sure of it.
 How could you? she whispered heatedly.  I m your mother.
 Yes, you are. And I ve never been so ashamed of that fact in my
She gasped and then crumbled into ragged sobs.
He hung up the phone and then dialed their family attorney, but
through it all he kept a firm grip on his mother s wrist.
* * * * *
The police came and went, taking his mother and attorney with
them, leaving him alone to explain to Sylvia s brothers how she d come to
be hospitalized because of his own mother s misguided actions. To their
credit, they d taken it in stride and hadn t blamed him personally,
although he still carried a silent weight of guilt for not having thwarted
his mother s plans before they harmed the woman he loved.
The room was once more silent except for the mechanical devices
that monitored Sylvia s vital signs. He sat beside the bed gently holding
her hand, his father s journal now lying unopened in his lap. He d passed
some of the time by reading it to her, but that only made him realize what
he d lost when his father died. He didn t know what he d do if he lost
Sylvia, too.
 I m so sorry, Sylvia. God, if I could turn back time, I swear none of
this would ve happened. I didn t know&  He dropped his forehead to
their joined hands, kissing her delicate skin and fighting back tears. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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